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G.B.S.E.T System  -  Technologies



The technology we built and implemented on a moderate scale is superior to any similar online B2B technologies that are presently either sold commercially as stand-alone software or in an open-source format (with academic or commercial support). Our technology could be verified by visiting other websites of firms / R&D Centers in the same field, such as,, Stanford University … Etc. for further confirmation.


In order to be judged fairly, we recommend our technology to be evaluated by experts who have a solid background in agent-based technologies that utilize advanced conceptually/ semantically web searching techniques, with full implementation of autonomous tasks handling techniques as well as a strong background in the multifaceted – multitasking handling through an advance, interactive implementation. Such experts will be able to verify the following affirmations:


1- Our technology is superior to, in regard to technology and functionality (not capacity or popularity), any other technology available commercially or implemented academically and

2- Markets and industries are eager for such technology.

Standard search engines are tolerable in comparison to the technological level B2B search engines possess.  Their traditional and slow “directory-based” searching methods and the time wasted in routine business conducting procedures is crippling them from successfully serving their clients’ needs.  They fail to take into account the current factors, such as speed, comprehensive coverage, and financial support services businesspeople look for while using reliable and inclusive B2B web search platforms. Business motivated agent-based technologies will lead the way toward cost-effective, multifaceted, multitasked autonomous services.


GBSET was built to help the business community accomplish their online financial tasks.  This was done by building a broad B2B search engine with autonomous, interactive, concurrent, and dynamic business conducting tools. Its main objectives were and continue to be as follows:


  • Develop B2B international collaboration based on trust, ease of use, and flexibility among all trading partners, with a high level of security tailored to specific individual needs.


  • Invoke multiple B2B exchanges, online business services, and financial institutes in order to establish online business platforms which depend on the latest self-sufficient E-Matching, E-Brokering, E-Negotiating technologies.


  • Integrate multilateral frameworks to promote technological neutrality and intelligent multitasking financial operations with a flexible online trading approach.


The above was achieved partially by advanced B2B data extracting, interpretation, ranking, and modifying techniques from multiple dynamic sources.  The results were integrated into our system to be used by our B2B inspired simulators so as to achieve the realistic objective of designing a multithreaded/ multifaceted platform capable of handling a variety of financial factors and parameters guided tasks on a higher level than what could be handled and integrated by other B2B online platforms.


We are in the process of developing a technology that is capable of interacting with web surfers in a responsive and intelligent manner giving them pinpoint results and saving them time.  Existing search engines offer results in the millions in 0.00001 milliseconds (though only a few hundred are allowed to be opened).  This, however, is inadequate considering that much time is spent and wasted on viewing a large number of unrelated results.




Technology Implementation Method:


  • We enhanced our version of the indexed web repository with the needed linguistically harmonized terms in various combinations using our highly integrated expert system. We then re-ranked the results according to their web conceptual matching and linguistic credibility using our developed NLP techniques and parameters.


  • We filtered and indexed the received web pages to determine their concept by analyzing the adjourned set of terms, page concept, Unified Blocks of Information (UBI), and implemented the Re-learning process and techniques so as to compare generated concepts.


  • We improved upon the current ranking system, which tends to lean more toward commercial aspects, by applying rigorous multifaceted analyzing techniques, that take into consideration relations between the user query and our specially analyzed, enhanced, dynamic, and taxonomies web-based repositories.


Naturally, concepts are evolving objects of knowledge, perceived and understood differently by different people depending on culture, level of education, gender, age, Etc.  Having this in mind and to be able to meet the standards set by our project’s tools, we relied on unprecedented techniques in relation to web-related technical matters like indexing, clustering, syntax verifying… Etc..



Technical Strategic Goals and Planned Course of Action


  • In the near future, we will implement our new technology of engaging web searchers, through specially modified and intelligent interfaces, to help them minimize the possibilities of incorrect results; such techniques will depend heavily on our current base of NLP/ G (Natural Language Processing/ Generating) technologies. It will be linguistically and logically motivated, taking less time and effort than the current results analyzing methods done by typical search engines users.


  • Such techniques will also be a smart Suggestion Tool which is superior to the current method used by ordinary search engines such as Google ™’ “did you mean?” Or “Refine Results for” shown on the results page. It will be based on compatible knowledge extracted from web repositories and will be sensitive to the searcher query from a conceptual-contextual viewpoint.


  • Since our system looks at the web resources as a whole unit through its unique advanced analyzing and inter-connective processing know-how, it will be able to find material matching the web surfer’s criterion, in spite of its spot on the web page, and will interact with him/her in an intelligent and friendly manner.


  • We will use the web pages’ components to build new dynamic result pages which meet the web surfer customized query.  This is similar in idea to the current results page of standard search engines with more comprehensive info and vibrant tools.


  • Our technology will revolutionize the way people look at and use the web by staying at the same webpage, which will translate to saving time and effort. Such tools will also use their linguistic- conceptual processing capabilities to customize such results page to meet the web surfer search patterns (User customizable ranking of results such as location, freshness … Etc.).


  • Full implementation of our technologies has been delayed mainly due to the lack of suitable hardware needed to extract, employ and enhance our knowledge blocks, which is necessary for our system autonomous decision-taking and automated financial advising processors.  Regardless, our current business-oriented databases are giving good advice to our system users.



Samples of G.B.S.E.T’s Integrated Technologies


Wireless Data Solutions / WAP Enabling M-Commerce Solutions / Content Re-purposing …Etc.

Technologies / Domains



* Web surfers tend to use as minimal query words as possible (45 % of the time one query word will be chosen). Suggestions for query replacements or adding extra terms to their original query will be used as a result of the categorization and narrowing feature whereby suggested queries will represent similar web pages which will be of great help to their web surfing task.  In addition, a continuously modified list of suggestions, depending on the user choices and actions, will be similar to semi-analyzing numerous expected results. This will also help to enhance, expand, or minimize the query’s selection strategy especially helpful for vague topics that need special semantic knowledge.


* We have verified all the potential problems facing intelligent information retrieval and worked on finding solutions that took into consideration the complexity and diversity of the web in a way no other company has been successful in achieving. We have documented our project on paper, which is being used as a guideline in explaining our project. The paper has been registered with the Canadian patent authority (international patenting is in the process); it was modified in a major way since then to better enhance our project.


* Since our project deals with concepts, we will be able to minimize time spent by the web surfer in scrolling through the results page (standard search engines conception) by giving him/her narrowing choices which will eliminate unrelated results from early on in the web surfing process. For example, if a user chooses Jordan as a query, we will ask if he/she means the country, the river, the basketball player … Etc., when he/she choose the country, we will narrow it more by suggesting words that will group his results in a way that will be possible for our system to concentrate on a specific field.


Such a task will be impossible without the right parsing of the web repositories which take into consideration semantic, contextual, and other forms of dynamic relations. A simpler version of this technology is currently implemented in our beta version of the project. Our next stage will be the full implementation of our equations.  As indicated previously, in order to achieve this, we need to obtain the expensive yet highly required and exceedingly efficient hardware/ software resources for which we seek funding.

Summary of G.B.S.E.T. System Technologies

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