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G.B.S.E.T System  -  Features

B2B platforms are huge software packages, built on a massive storage platform that, from their beginning till the present day, use directory type search methods, similar to the Yellow Pages, and depend heavily on the user's own business knowledge and analyzing techniques. Their limited nature frustrated the business community for a long time, yet people continued to use them for lack of better technology.  Our project aims to eliminate such frustration by saving the user time by insuring comprehensive and reliable results.


We used Google™ services to complete the Beta stage of our project and to only demonstrate our technology’s advanced capabilities. The implementation of our project as a desktop application (in C #) and web base (in Java) was used only to illustrate its major internal functions and operations. GBSET’s speed, search results quality, and several of its foremost functions were downscaled due to present insufficient hardware capacity, and to the presently imposed Google™ ranking of our current source of web pages limiting our system’s full expansion of its capabilities. Uploading our projects on a more suitable web server should resolve this challenge. To get a better understanding of our project’s full technical and commercial aspects, please visit our website.  For further information and\or a broader description, please feel free to contact us; we will be more than happy to provide you with more details.


Our objective was/is to develop a system that could “learn” from the web and modify its own repository accordingly; a system that acquires knowledge in the form of “conceptual chunks” which would be:


  • Verified (by comparing it to other stored confirmed or uncertain concepts strings)   


  • Enhanced (by making its semantic – contextual blocks design auto upgradeable)


  • linked (with compatible and diverse forms of relations, coordinate, derivative … Etc.)


  • Evolve (used as a base for suggested evolving concept, context, and knowledge)


  • Customized (to different types of applications labeling such as QA, Power Search … Etc.)


  • Flexible (multiple forms and knowledge dimensions depending on user’s partial and total need)


Main Functions  



  • Auto Deal Form (A.D.F)


Is a technology that will be utilized as a base for the E-Negotiating and E-Brokering tool between the buyer and the supplier with “AI” capabilities enabling it to suggest technical information and compatible financial procedures. This technology applies auto-modified dynamic lists, auto-generated by the user’s request and system requirements, with minimum user manual data input, which is mostly a push-button and choice-taking process.



  • Automated Payments Arrangements Integration System (A.P.A.I.S)


Enables web users to have a secure, strictly supervised efficient financial payment plan.



  • Suppliers Automated Search Process System (S.A.S.P.S)


Assists suppliers to connect with qualified importers on the global market. This task was initially quite difficult to achieve mainly due to the fact that most of the B2B web structure was built by export – sellers firms.  Nonetheless, by employing an advanced intelligent, auto modifying/ learning mechanism, we were able to solve the problem with satisfactory results.



  • Consultants Automated Services Marketing System (C.A.S.M.S) and Automated E-Procurements Submission System (A.E.S.S)


Intended to provide help to consultants and companies so that they market their specialized services and enhance their capabilities to acquire the desired tenders. For this to work, we had to solve the problem of having most of the opportunities stored on the hidden web.



  • Guaranteed Multilevel Communication Security System (G.M.C.S.S)


Guarantee maximum multimedia communication security using the latest technologies. We integrated most of the tools into our system to work in coherence with other functions.



  • Products and Services Open Web Search (P.S.O.W.S)


Using G.A.S.E.T facilities to search the open web by means of a special interchangeable, query generator system supported with complex business-related concepts filtering and extracting functions. These depend heavily on modified G.A.S.E.T tools and technologies such as QA, Power search... Etc.



  • B2B Exchange, Automated Search, and Trade System (B.E.A.S.T.S)


Searches reliable dynamic e-marketplaces by using advanced negotiating procedures. Such a service functions best with sites that allow crawler operations. It worked to our benefit was the fact that most of the clients of such platforms have their own sites.



  • Online live Consulting Services (O.L.C.S)


An online specialized consultant who responds to customers' administrative and technical needs. This service not only increases our credibility level but also helps in creating a sense of trust and confidence in our operations. Fees will be collected through multistage membership.



  • Automated Business Information Gatherings System (A.B.I.G.S)


Developed to meet the highest quality and efficiency standards in business search, using similar G.B.S.E.T technologies.



  • Search and Broadcast Technology (S.B.T)


A pioneering technology that handles massive business transactions autonomously by contacting multiple sources to extract and enhance needed information presented simultaneously to the client.  This information will be used by the system agent.



  • Other Autonomously Supported Business Conducting Features


(1) Offer scheduling, resource leveling options, and user-definable options as well as showing the effect of progress on remaining work. They also provide feedback on how schedule and personnel changes will impact productivity, including deadlines, activity, project costs … Etc. In addition, they put project planning, cost control, resource tracking, and analysis into a single program.


(2) They offer separate role-based applications for project planning, resource and activity tracking, as well as project cost control, executive analysis, and reporting. This is done with hierarchical structures, inter-project relationships, cross-project resource analysis, and security. They allow users to analyze information and report on project progress.


Even though G.B.S.E.T appears to have fairly complicated internal "hidden" functions, it maintains a very friendly interface with powerful support tools to achieve our promise of Interactive, Intelligent, and Interacted Universal online B2B structure, with Semi-Automated Tasks Handling from Query Receiving to the Contact Handling and Contract Implementation stage.


This was achieved partially by implementing our advance B2B Data Extracting, Interpretation, Linking, Ranking, and Enhancing Techniques from Multiple Dynamic Sources. The results were integrated into our system to be used by our B2B Inspired Simulators.  The outcome was the achievement of the real objective of Building a Multitasked-stages System / Multifaceted Platform, capable of handling a variety of Financial Factors and Parameters, at a higher level and with superior accuracy than what could be handled and integrated manually by users of the "Traditional" B2B online platforms.


Summary of G.B.S.E.T. System Features

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