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GASET has a number of strengths that distinguish it from the rest, one of which is its intelligent interactive ability to engage the users in an effective way by using complex logarithms. Through this method, the web surfer’s search is directed by his/her level of intellectuality and commitment rather than his/her level of complexity, online time availability, and other web surfing decision taking habits. Our system doesn’t claim it will think for the user.  Instead, our system broadens and directs the query’s search frontier in a smooth and intelligent way. This method takes care of language ambiguity, topic familiarity, concepts and time consuming multifaceted tasks.


GASET project tends to find and analyze broad-spectrum types of data to be examined by the common web surfer.  Its implementation of interactive agent technology such as “Power Search” aims to enhance and interconnect the user’s knowledge extracting experience with the system’s sensible use of its own versatile knowledge basses.  This is done mainly by targeting suggestion related concepts to the original query by dealing with short term autonomous evaluation, linking and use of data such as the “QA function”. We will strive to give your firm a broad description of our projects features and prospects. We would appreciate a comprehensive and/or comparative study of our project profile (please visit our website).


Major search engine approach of destroying web page concept and context by applying stop words eliminating technique while ignoring lingo relations/aspects … etc, and by lacking dynamic semantic enhancing of web pages results in poor “keywords based” search solutions that is incapable of supporting complex web surfing technologies.  The interactive aspect of the future web application will need different (IR) theories.




GASET’s Technology Outline


􀀟 Enhancement of our indexed web repository, with the needed linguistically harmonized terms in various combinations, was through a highly integrated expert system. The results were then re-ranked according to their web conceptual matching and linguistic credibility using the developed NLP techniques and parameters.


􀀟 Filtering and indexing the received web pages to determine its concept by analyzing the adjourned set of terms, page concept, Unified Blocks of Information (UBI) and implementing the Re-learning process and techniques to compare generated concepts.


ô€€Ÿ The current ranking factors employed by major search engines lean more toward the commercial aspects rather than the old (pre 1993) “Dictionary simulated” ones (also unimpressive technique).  Ranking is best determined by applying rigorous multifaceted analyzing techniques that take into consideration relations between the user query and our specially analyzed, enhanced, dynamic and taxonomies web based repositories. Concepts are evolving objects of knowledge perceived and understood differently by different people depending on culture, level of education, gender, age, etc.  Having this in mind and to be able to meet the standards set by our project’s tools, we relied on unprecedented techniques in relation to web related technical matters like indexing, clustering, syntax verifying… etc.


ô€€Ÿ Pagerank and other ranking methods used by standard search engines are skillful when seeking a simple request. However, this method will come short when a more complicated and multifaceted queries request is asked.  Examples include: requiring more than the average “which link belongs to whom”, bolded words or the titles of the article ranking methods. The standard search engines’ pitfalls are well known. Web surfers switched from AltaVista ™ to Google ™ when they saw the difference (which wasn’t revolutionary by any mean), they will switch again if they see a breakthrough in web searching methods. Our technology offers the base for such technology.


ô€€Ÿ The non official 100 + ranking factors used by main search engines such as Google ™ to determine results weight, the most single important part of the search engines mythology, were studied and tested extensively by our project strategic steering committee.  Even though some of its main points, such as page rank, html tags, title … etc where important similar ones were applied by us), we still think it wasn't ambitious enough to match our goals.


ô€€Ÿ Web surfers tend to use as minim query words as possible (45 % of the time one query word will be chosen). Suggestions of query replacements or adding extra terms to their original query will be used as a result of the categorization and narrowing feature whereby suggested queries will represent similar web pages which will be of great help to their web surfing task.  In addition, a continuously modified list of suggestions, depending on the user choices and actions, will be similar to semi analyzing numerous expected results. This will also help to enhance, expand or minimize the query’s selection strategy which is especially helpful for vague topics that need special semantic knowledge.


A system that could “learn” from the web and modify its own repository accordingly is needed.  Such a system will acquire knowledge in the form of conceptual chunks by taking the following into account:


1. Verifiable (by comparing the information to other stored, confirmed or uncertain concepts strings)


2. Enhanced (by making its semantic – contextual blocks design auto upgradeable)



3. Linkable (with compatible and diverse forms of relations: coordinate, derivative … etc)


4. Evolvable (used as a base for suggested evolving concept, context and knowledge)


5. Customizable (to different types of applications’ labeling: QA, Power Search … etc)


6. Flexible (multiple forms and knowledge dimensions depending on user’s partial/total need)



G.A.S.E.T Compared to Other Web Search Technologies


ô€€Ÿ To determine the scope of our project, one needs to navigate through main search engines’ latest product and development pages such as “Google laps”, a part of Google’s official web site where recently developed technologies are demonstrated, and be able to compare it to our project. Some of Google’s products (lap graduate or beta version) are notable, especially the handling of massive tasks, which though require huge hardware facilities, employ moderate web based search technologies. Examples that come to mind are “Google Video”, “Images” as well as other such like devices.  Nevertheless, other products such as “Google ™ Reader”, “Suggest” and “Notebook”, as far as innovative technologies are concerned, are mere gadgets.  Their inadequacy was a great disappointment and failed to meet needs of dedicated web surfers who will shape the future of search engines.


􀀟 Other search engines like MSN thrive on buying third party technologies and integrate them into its own system (for example: Powerset was integrated for more than $100 million). We have tested this system, using Wikipedia as a testing base, and discovered its less than average results were disappointing, especially when taking into consideration its hefty $42 million development cost. To gain a better understanding of our project, we are using Wikipedia, and other similar Encyclopedia / dictionaries like repositories, as a base for our internal knowledge analyzing structure.


ô€€Ÿ Furthermore, an examination of open source projects (beta stage), which could be found at websitess like and similar projects hosting services/websites, will make it apparent that our technology is superior in its category (web search, NLP, QA).  We have the web’s largest code repositories with the latest technologies.  The technologies which are still in the theoretical stage (papers, dissertations … etc), though are impressive in comparison to the ones which have reached the beta stage, nevertheless are far from reaching the level we have accomplished. While they are at the “ideas” stage we are at the functional applications stage.  




ô€€Ÿ The technology we recently implemented exceeds the highest standards available commercially. Reliance on search engines like Google, because of our limited hardware capabilities, has constrained our abilities.  We were forced to make use of its key word indexing resources instead of using conceptual indexing of the web repositories, as we should be doing, and thus slowing our system processing capabilities (traditional metasearching problem) and limiting the full use of our technologies. The solution for us will be to harvest the web and analyze-accumulate the results in accordance with our equations and parameters. The resulting multifaceted repositories will be used to retrieve outcomes, match complex queries and have the ability to respond to sophisticated tasks (QA, Power Search … etc).


ô€€Ÿ To verify the quality of our technology, our experienced development team insisted on testing all of the regular and specialized search engines to their max. We are confident, based on our extensive research, that major technologies linked to advance web search know-how, such as NLP (Natural Language Processing), QA (Question Answering), our technologies on both fronts, are far more superior to other commercially or academically available products. This conclusion was reached while keeping in mind that the know-how is unstable, and that more advancement is expected in the near future. Yet this is a journey we cannot afford to miss … the search engines are here to stay.


􀀟 To accomplish such task we literally had to revise hundreds of project related documents, analyze a variety of techniques and technologies, as well as validate-execute (for comparison purposes) numerous applications and source codes (from sourceforge and other similar web sites).


ô€€Ÿ We are in the process of developing a technology that is capable of interacting with web surfers in a responsive and intelligent manner giving them pinpoint results and saving them time.  Existing search engines offer results in the millions in 0.00001 millisecond (though only few hundred are allowed to be opened).  This, however, is inadequate considering that much time is spent and wasted on viewing a large number of unrelated results.


ô€€Ÿ Even though we have reached stage one in our project, full web implementations will take another year. This doesn’t undermine the fact that our system formation, frontier and credibility were thoroughly tested. Our “close circle” beta testing proved that all is needed is to configure our formulas in order to demonstrate our strategic technical targets.  If, for example, we took into consideration that we will start the concept – context barrel extraction of the web by comparing its knowledge blocks to our enhanced, dynamic, multifaceted and modified datasets (14+ Giga) which contain Wikipedia, Admoz and other similar encyclopedias, then we will utilize the extracted data paradigm as a base to be used by our search types.


􀀟 We have verified all the potential problems facing the intelligent information retrieval and worked on finding solutions that took into consideration the complexity and diversity of the web in a way no other company has been successful in achieving. We have documented our project on paper, which is being used as a guideline in explaining its potentials. The paper has been registered with the Canadian patent authority (international patenting is in process); it was modified in a major way since then.


ô€€Ÿ Since our project deals with concepts we will be able to minimize time spent by the web surfer scrolling through the results page (standard search engines conception) by giving him/her narrower choices and eliminating unrelated results from early in the web surfing process. For example if somebody chooses Jordan as a query, we will ask if he/she mean the country, the river, the basketball player … etc.  If the country was chosen, the search will be narrowed down more by suggesting words that will group his/her results in a way that will be possible for our system to concentrate on specific field. Such task will be impossible without the accurate parsing of the web repositories which take into consideration semantic, contextual and other forms of dynamic relations.


ô€€Ÿ Our next stage will be full implementation of our self learner equations, with its autonomous concept – context extracting, analyzing, comparing, enhancing and utilizing.  This will be our ultimate challenge. A full documentation of our technology is available in our project dedicated website:  This part of the business plan is meant only as a general and none technical description of the major aspects of our technologies. We hope that your experts will have the time to review it thoroughly.



Technical Strategic Goals and Planned Course of Action


ï‚• In the near future we will implement our new technology of engaging web searchers, through specially modified and intelligent interface, so as to minimize the possibilities of incorrect results. Such techniques will depend heavily on our current base of NLP and G (Natural Language Processing and Generating) technologies. It will be linguistically and logically motivated, taking less time and efforts than the current results analyzing methods done by typical search engines users.


ï‚• Our technology will also include a smart Suggestion Tool that is superior to the current method used by ordinary search engines (for example: Google ™’s “did you mean?” Or the “Refine Results for” shown on the results page). Such techniques will be based on compatible knowledge extracted from web repositories and will be sensitive to the searcher’s query from a conceptual-contextual viewpoint.


ï‚• Since our system views the web resources as a whole unit through its unique advanced analyzing and interconnectivity processing know-how, it will be able to present interesting material matching the web surfer criterion, regardless of its spot on the web page in an intelligent and responsive manner.





GASET’s speed, search results quality and several of its foremost functions where downscaled due to present insufficient hardware capabilities, and Google™ currently imposed ranking system, which is currently used as a source of web pages (as GASET- G ). This eventually limited the full expansion of the system’s capabilities. Uploading projects on more suitable servers, with its own dedicated web repositories, should eventually take care of this problem.






G.A.S.E.T System  -  Technologies

G.A.S.E.T has a number of strengths that distinguish it from the rest, one of which is its intelligent interactive ability to engage the users in an effective way by using complex logarithms. Through this method, the web surfer’s search is directed by his/her level of intellectuality and commitment rather than his/her level of complexity, online time availability, and other web surfing decision-taking habits. Our system doesn’t claim it will think for the user.  Instead, our system broadens and directs the query’s search frontier in a smooth and intelligent way. This method takes care of language ambiguity, topic familiarity, concepts, and time-consuming multifaceted tasks.


G.A.S.E.T project tends to find and analyze broad-spectrum types of data to be examined by the common web surfer.  Its implementation of interactive agent technology such as “Power Search” aims to enhance and interconnect the user’s knowledge extracting experience with the system’s sensible use of its own versatile knowledge basses.  This is done mainly by targeting suggestion-related concepts to the original query by dealing with short-term autonomous evaluation, linking, and use of data such as the “QA function”. We will strive to give your firm a broad description of our project's features and prospects. We would appreciate a comprehensive and/or comparative study of our project profile (please visit our website).


Major search engine approach of destroying web page concept and context by applying stop words eliminating technique while ignoring lingo relations/aspects … Etc., and by lacking dynamic semantic enhancing of web pages results in poor “keywords based” search solutions that are incapable of supporting complex web surfing technologies.  The interactive aspect of the future web application will need different (IR) theories.

Standard Semantic Analysis

G.A.S.E.T’s Technology Outline


􀀟 Enhancement of our indexed web repository, with the needed linguistically harmonized terms in various combinations, was through a highly integrated expert system. The results were then re-ranked according to their web conceptual matching and linguistic credibility using the developed NLP techniques and parameters.


􀀟 Filtering and indexing the received web pages to determine its concept by analyzing the adjourned set of terms, page concept, Unified Blocks of Information (UBI), and implementing the Re-learning process and techniques to compare generated concepts.


ô€€Ÿ The current ranking factors employed by major search engines lean more toward the commercial aspects rather than the old (pre-1993) “Dictionary simulated” ones (also unimpressive technique).  The ranking is best determined by applying rigorous multifaceted analyzing techniques that take into consideration relations between the user query and our specially analyzed, enhanced, dynamic, and taxonomies web-based repositories. Concepts are evolving objects of knowledge perceived and understood differently by different people depending on culture, level of education, gender, age, Etc.  Having this in mind and to be able to meet the standards set by our project’s tools, we relied on unprecedented techniques in relation to web-related technical matters like indexing, clustering, syntax verifying… Etc.


ô€€Ÿ Pagerank and other ranking methods used by standard search engines are skillful when seeking a simple request. However, this method will come short when a more complicated and multifaceted queries request is asked.  Examples include: requiring more than the average “which link belongs to whom”, bolded words, or the titles of the article ranking methods. The standard search engines’ pitfalls are well known. Web surfers switched from AltaVista ™ to Google ™ when they saw the difference (which wasn’t revolutionary by any means), they will switch again if they see a breakthrough in web searching methods. Our technology offers the base for such technology.


ô€€Ÿ The non-official 100 + ranking factors used by main search engines such as Google ™ to determine results weight, the most single important part of the search engines mythology, were studied and tested extensively by our project strategic steering committee.  Even though some of its main points, such as page rank, HTML tags, title … Etc. were important (similar ones were applied by us), we still think it wasn't ambitious enough to match our goals.


ô€€Ÿ Web surfers tend to use as minim query words as possible (45 % of the time one query word will be chosen). Suggestions of query replacements or adding extra terms to their original query will be used as a result of the categorization and narrowing feature whereby suggested queries will represent similar web pages which will be of great help to their web surfing task.  In addition, a continuously modified list of suggestions, depending on the user choices and actions, will be similar to semi-analyzing numerous expected results. This will also help to enhance, expand or minimize the query’s selection strategy which is especially helpful for vague topics that need special semantic knowledge.


A system that could “learn” from the web and modify its own repository accordingly is needed.  Such a system will acquire knowledge in the form of conceptual chunks by taking the following into account:


1. Verifiable (by comparing the information to other stored, confirmed or uncertain concepts strings)


2. Enhanced (by making its semantic – contextual blocks design auto upgradeable)


3. Linkable (with compatible and diverse forms of relations: coordinate, derivative … Etc.)


4. Evolvable (used as a base for suggested evolving concept, context, and knowledge)


5. Customizable (to different types of applications’ labeling: QA, Power Search … Etc.)


6. Flexible (multiple forms and knowledge dimensions depending on user’s partial/total need).





ô€€Ÿ The technology we recently implemented exceeds the highest standards available commercially. Reliance on search engines like Google, because of our limited hardware capabilities, has constrained our abilities.  We were forced to make use of its keyword indexing resources instead of using conceptual indexing of the web repositories, as we should be doing, thus slowing our system processing capabilities (traditional Metasearching problem) and limiting the full use of our technologies. The solution for us will be to harvest the web and analyze-accumulate the results in accordance with our equations and parameters. The resulting multifaceted repositories will be used to retrieve outcomes, match complex queries, and have the ability to respond to sophisticated tasks (QA, Power Search … Etc.).


ô€€Ÿ To verify the quality of our technology, our experienced development team insisted on testing all of the regular and specialized search engines to their max. We are confident, based on our extensive research, that major technologies linked to advance web search know-how, such as NLP (Natural Language Processing), and QA (Question Answering), our technologies on both fronts, are far superior to other commercially or academically available products. This conclusion was reached while keeping in mind that the know-how is unstable and that more advancement is expected in the near future. Yet this is a journey we cannot afford to miss … the search engines are here to stay.


􀀟 To accomplish such a task we literally had to revise hundreds of project-related documents, analyze a variety of techniques and technologies, as well as validate-execute (for comparison purposes) numerous applications and source codes (from SourceForge and other similar websites).


ô€€Ÿ We are in the process of developing a technology that is capable of interacting with web surfers in a responsive and intelligent manner giving them pinpoint results and saving them time. Existing search engines offer results in the millions in 0.00001 milliseconds (though only a few hundred are allowed to be opened).  This, however, is inadequate considering that much time is spent and wasted on viewing a large number of unrelated results.


ô€€Ÿ Even though we have reached stage one in our project, full web implementations will take another year. This doesn’t undermine the fact that our system formation, frontier, and credibility were thoroughly tested. Our “close circle” beta testing proved that all is needed is to configure our formulas in order to demonstrate our strategic technical targets. If, for example, we took into consideration that we will start the concept – context barrel extraction of the web by comparing its knowledge blocks to our enhanced, dynamic, multifaceted, and modified datasets (34+ Giga) which contain Wikipedia, Admoz, and other similar encyclopedias, then we will utilize the extracted data paradigm as a base to be used by our search types.


􀀟 We have verified all the potential problems facing intelligent information retrieval and worked on finding solutions that took into consideration the complexity and diversity of the web in a way no other company has been successful in achieving. We have documented our project on paper, which is being used as a guideline in explaining its potential. The paper has been registered with the Canadian patent authority (international patenting is in the process); it was modified in a major way since then.


ô€€Ÿ Since our project deals with concepts we will be able to minimize time spent by the web surfer scrolling through the results page (standard search engines conception) by giving him/her narrower choices and eliminating unrelated results from early in the web surfing process. For example, if somebody chooses Jordan as a query, we will ask if he/she means the country, the river, the basketball player … Etc.  If the country was chosen, the search will be narrowed down more by suggesting words that will group his/her results in a way that will be possible for our system to concentrate on a specific field. Such a task will be impossible without the accurate parsing of the web repositories which take into consideration semantic, contextual, and other forms of dynamic relations.


ô€€Ÿ Our next stage will be the full implementation of our self-learner equations, with its autonomous concept – context extracting, analyzing, comparing, enhancing, and utilizing.  This will be our ultimate challenge. Full documentation of our technology is available on our project's dedicated website:


This part of the business plan is meant only as a general and none technical description of the major aspects of our technologies. We hope that your experts will have the time to review it thoroughly.



Technical Strategic Goals and Planned Course of Action


ï‚• In the near future, we will implement our new technology of engaging web searchers, through specially modified and intelligent interfaces, so as to minimize the possibility of incorrect results. Such techniques will depend heavily on our current base of NLP and G (Natural Language Processing and Generating) technologies. It will be linguistically and logically motivated, taking less time and effort than the current results analysis methods done by typical search engine users.


ï‚• Our technology will also include a smart Suggestion Tool that is superior to the current method used by ordinary search engines (for example Google ™’s “did you mean?” Or the “Refine Results for” shown on the results page). Such techniques will be based on compatible knowledge extracted from web repositories and will be sensitive to the searcher’s query from a conceptual-contextual viewpoint.


ï‚• Since our system views the web resources as a whole unit through its unique advanced analyzing and interconnectivity processing know-how, it will be able to present interesting material matching the web surfer criterion, regardless of its spot on the web page in an intelligent and responsive manner.




G.A.S.E.T’s speed, search results quality, and several of its foremost functions were downscaled due to present insufficient hardware capabilities, and Google™ currently imposed ranking system, which is currently used as a source of web pages (as G.A.S.E.T- G). This eventually limited the full expansion of the system’s capabilities. Uploading projects on more suitable servers, with their dedicated web repositories, should eventually take care of this problem.


Summary of G.A.S.E.T. System Technologies

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