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G.A.S.E.T System  -  Main

GASET’s System Description 


GASET is a full-scale search engine with an Interactive/ AI-Powered personal touch, employing intelligent web surfing technologies and techniques, such as QA (Question Answering), NLP / G (Natural Language Processing / Generation), enhanced Multimedia Search, and our Power Search Feature (Employing Multitask, Multistage, and Multifaceted Web Pages Content Analysis and Extracting capabilities). It utilizes our Semantically, Contextually, and Conceptually  Knowledge Extracting Techniques, which are more versatile than the Current "1990s" keywords-based search technologies used by major search engines.

GASET Web Knowledge Mining, dynamic results Enhancing, and Data Integrating techniques can handle Complex web search tasks, setting the stage for its knowledge-based semi-supervised Autonomous Learning Capabilities. Our project is not a replacement for "Standard" Search Engines; rather, it is a solution that gives the web searcher an option to combine traditional web search tools with what is provided by GASET technology.


Special Features:


  •  Interactive: Dialogue-based web search capability, with a personal and Informative touch  

  •  Intelligent: AI-Powered with Semantically "multitasked- multifaceted" analysis capabilities

  •  Inclusive: Searching web resources such as multimedia, blogs, books … etc, All under one roof

  •  Innovative: A superior "out of the box" philosophy without "reinventing the wheel"

  •  Implemented: Partially functional, yet more advanced than the standard Search Engines.


To sum up: GASET is a system in which the surfer could Talk directly, Ask questions and seek clarifications. It is able to analyze dynamically hundreds of potential search results web pages, by starting an informed and responsive dialogue leading to innovative answers.


Crawl, Analyze then Present "Knowledge"...  Intelligently 



G.A.S.E.T Compared to Other Web Search Technologies


ô€€Ÿ To determine the scope of our project, one needs to navigate through main search engines’ latest product and development pages such as “Google laps”, a part of Google’s official website where recently developed technologies are demonstrated, and be able to compare it to our project. Some of Google’s products (lap graduate or beta version) are notable, especially the handling of massive tasks, which though require huge hardware facilities, employ moderate web-based search technologies. Examples that come to mind are “Google Video”, and “Images” as well as other such devices.  Nevertheless, other products such as “Google ™ Reader” and “Suggest” as far as innovative technologies are concerned, are mere gadgets.  Their inadequacy was a great disappointment and failed to meet the needs of dedicated web surfers who will shape the future of search engines.


􀀟 Other search engines like MSN thrive on buying third-party technologies and integrating them into their own system (for example Powerset was integrated for more than $100 million). We have tested this system, using Wikipedia as a testing base, and discovered its less-than-average results were disappointing, especially when taking into consideration its hefty $42 million development cost. To gain a better understanding of our project, we are using Wikipedia, and other similar Encyclopedia / Dictionaries like repositories, as a base for our internal knowledge analyzing structure.


ô€€Ÿ Furthermore, an examination of open source projects (beta stage), which could be found at websites like and similar projects hosting services/websites, will make it apparent that our technology is superior in its category (web search, NLP, QA).  We have the web’s largest code repositories with the latest technologies. The technologies which are still in the theoretical stage (papers, dissertations … etc), though impressive in comparison to the ones which have reached the beta stage, nevertheless are far from reaching the level we have accomplished. While they are at the “ideas” stage we are at the functional applications stage.  



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